Tallebudgera Off Leash Agility Dog Island
Tallebudgera Off Leash Agility Dog Island is a unique doggie paradise just inland from Palm Beach - an entire island where dogs can run free, swim and play on the agility equipment.

Located within the sprawling Eddie Kornhauser Recreational Reserve, the island, which is surrounded by tidal ponds, can be accessed via two 'bridges' which connect it to the main reserve.

The island is best accessed by parking at Casuarina Drive and following the path from the shelters towards to island. The path veers off to the right (look for the sign) and crosses via a land bridge to the island.

The unfenced island is a wonder world for dogs to roam free, with massive swathes of mown grass, paths that lead around the edge and through casuarina groves, tiny sandy beaches and shaded benches for owners to sit and relax.

In the centre is a dedicated exercise area with agility equipment including pipes, beams and ramps for dogs to test their skills and enjoy a challenge.

A path circumnavigates the island so owners and un-leashed pooches can enjoy a walk together, with benches dotted around for rest breaks.

After a play on the island, cross back via the other brdge and you can take a further (leashed) walk throughout the rest of the reserve.
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Tallebudgera Off Leash Agility Dog Island
Eddie Kornhauser Recreational Reserve
45-51 Casuarina Drive