The Castle of Tarragindi
Children's Art Centre, GOMA
In a fantastical Children’s Art Centre project at GOMA, ‘The Castle of Tarragindi’, Australian artist Natalya Hughes brings to life her vision for a castle interior that has its roots in both Turin, Italy, and the Brisbane suburb of Tarragindi, until July 14, 2024.
Here, children can let their imaginations run wild as they explore the surprising delights of grotesque design.

Natalya explains, “While we commonly use the word ‘grotesque’ today to denote an experience akin to horror, its origins are in ornament: historically, the term is used to describe images, objects or visual traditions that combine something of aesthetic pleasure and something more challenging or unexpected, often comedic. In ornament or elsewhere, an example of the grotesque might combine curlicues, scrolls or florals with hybrid creatures: part animal, part object, part plant. If the creatures are monstrous, they are still palatable because they sit within the more aesthetically pleasing elements, and that’s very interesting to me.”

‘The Castle of Tarragindi’ invites children to explore the imaginative artform of the ‘grotesque’ and their own creativity through hands-on and multimedia interactives. As part of the project, children can create hybrid creatures, create patterns, and see their image transformed in ‘grotesque’ ways.

When asked what she thinks children will find appealing about the grotesque when visiting ‘The Castle of Tarragindi’ at GOMA, Natalya responded, “I think the grotesque invites creativity. And I think it’s a nice way for kids to think about figures or bodies. The emphasis isn’t on some ideal or perfect shape, but on any shape. And it has the potential to incorporate diverse parts into a single image. These parts might be meaningful, or they might be silly and fun. It’s my hope they can be both!”
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Installation views of ‘Natalya Hughes: The Castle of Tarragindi’, Childrens Art Centre, GOMA 2023 / Photographs: C Callistemon © QAGOMA
QAGOMA is a valued partner of Must Do
The Castle of Tarragindi
Children's Art Centre
Gallery of Modern Art
Stanley Place
South Brisbane
Until Jul 14, 2024