Cornubia Forest Park
Shailer Park
Cornubia Forest Park is a delightful lush oasis of fig and gum treed bushland with a wide easy grade paved path cutting through its base, that is ideal for walking, cycling, prams and wheelchairs.

Home to koalas, water dragons, bandicoots, wallabies and over 50 species of birds, this secluded and untrafficked reserve makes a great and surprising retreat from the nearby suburbs. The well-shaded path of approx. 1.4km one way winds along pretty creek beds, criss-crossed by quaint little wooden benches and along the way are info plaques and the odd bench for contemplation.

The path continues, at times with glimpses of the back yards of Shailer Park houses and exit ways to neighbouring streets, until it hits Parkview Crescent and across the road becomes the Shailer Park Bikeway. From here there’s the option of continuing the walk/cycle approx 800m through scrubby bush all the way to the cul de sac tip of Parkview Crescent.

Need to know – There’s no dedicated car park for this walk so best park is on Collie Street, not far from the intersection of Boxer Ave at the start of the pathway. The path entrance is alongside the fenced kids playground.
Cornubia Forest Park
Collie St
Shailer Park
Approx 3 km return