Newstead Park
This park is actually the grounds of Brisbane’s oldest home Newstead House (1846) but it’s a gracious and breezy riverside location for a picnic on the lawn or gathering in the old rotunda by the jetty.

It also happens to have been designed by Harry Moore, the early 20th century parks superintendent responsible for much of Brisbane’s distinctive style of vegetation, who lived in Newstead House during his tenure.

For children, there’s an Alice Through the Looking Glass themed play area in a hollow behind the house, with a talking tree and interactive chessboard and plenty of garden for hide’n’seek.

Interestingly, several of the trees in the park predate the plantings by Moore. For instance, the White Rabbit tree is a rare specimen of a crepe myrtle which was planted at the time the house was built.
And, unmissable near the driveway entrance, is the talking history tree, a magnificent hollowed out Cunningham fig believed to be 200 years old.
Newstead Park
Breakfast Creek Rd